Khaled A. Beydoun

Professor Khaled A. Beydoun is a law professor, author and public intellectual. He serves as a law professor at Wayne State University, a Scholar-in-Residence at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University, and Associate Director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights in Detroit. Professor Beydoun is author of the critically acclaimed book American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear, co-editor of Islamophobia and the Law – published by University of Cambridge Press, and author of The New Crusades: Islamophobia and the Global War on Muslims.

Professor Beydoun’s is a leading scholar on constitutional law and civil rights. His academic work has been featured in top academic journals, including the UCLA Law Review, Northwestern Law Review, the California Law Review and the Harvard Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law Review. His insights have been featured in The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, the BBC, and ESPN. Professor Beydoun served on the US Commission for Civil Rights for three years and earned a coveted Open Society Foundations Equality Fellowship. He has been named one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims of the World, and he received the Frederick Douglass Educator Award. In 2021, Professor Beydoun was named “Extraordinary Professor” by the University of Western Cape in South Africa, and he joined the Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice as an honorary faculty member that very year.

In addition to his academic and popular writing, Professor Beydoun has mounted a broad following on social media. He currently has 265,000 followers on Twitter, 548,000 followers on Instagram, and tens of thousands more on Facebook, Substack, and other digital platforms. In recent years, he has emerged as a leading voice on Arab, Middle Eastern and Muslim identity on the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) space, holding trainings at Fortune 100 companies including Apple, Meta, Nike, Google, and many more.  He is widely regarded as one of the leading public voice on identity matters tied to Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim identity in the world.

Professor Beydoun in a native of Detroit, Michigan, and holds degrees from the University of Michigan, the University of Toronto, UCLA, and Harvard.

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