Uncensored Statement

We are committed to ensuring all of our attendees and all those supporting Palestinians during this very difficult time get the transparency required from all. Legacy Media is a small bootstrap grassroots organization with limited resources working across the clock trying our best to raise awareness in addition to as much funds for direct relief for those in Palestine.

We have had Palestinians at our events and have requested many others to join us in our quest and are committed to amplifying the voice of Palestinians above any other voices. We are working in real-time to further improve these events by ensuring we have more Palestinians, more women, more people from on-the ground in Gaza, and amplifying those voices while continuing to share information on our charity partners and the distribution of money raised.


Our Mission:

To give everyone an opportunity to share their experiences, encourage and motivate people to continue to advocate and speak up regarding this genocide, and drive funds to help those in Gaza.

The tour is an opportunity to connect and share experiences. We are all feeling the pain of what’s happening in Gaza and it’s comforting to meet like-minded people that believe in the same cause. The tour is meant to be inspiration for advocacy – to continue speaking up for just causes. It is meant to instill a sense of community.


Charity Partners: 

We only work with registered and reputable charities who can actually deliver aid and show evidence that the donations are being used to alleviate the suffering of our Palestinian brothers and sisters.  You can view distribution videos and pictures on our and our partners’ social media channels.

So far, we have partnered with Human Concern International EIN (311719723) in Canada and Human Concern USA in the US which is a 501(C)3 Tax Exempt Nonprofit, EIN# 92-2388570. Our charity partners, through your generous donations have been able to provide meals on the ground to those in dire need as well as raise funds to sponsor 2,000 orphans. Find out about HCI’s orphan sponsorship https://humanconcern.org/orphan-care-csp/.

For our events in the UK, we have partnered with Human Appeal and Action for Humanity.  They are registered with the UK Charities Commission (reg numbers Human Appeal: 1154288 and Action for Humanity: 1154881).  See more details about their work at https://humanappeal.org.uk/ and https://actionforhumanity.org/.

Together with your support,  we have raised over $1,500,000 in donations, with 100% of the funds raised directly going to our charity partners to support those in need in Gaza. Donations are made directly to the charity and we do not receive any of these funds whatsoever.


Guest Speakers:

Our speakers have been using their platforms to spread information and raising awareness on the genocide in Gaza and have not profited from the proceeds from these events. Their only form of payments have been the cost of travel and lodging to attend these events as speakers. They have not received speaker fees. Outside of costs of the events, all proceeds are collected and distributed directly by charities working inside of Gaza.

Some of our speakers have come under criticism on their intentions or approach to speaking about the current genocide and we invite anyone to have direct conversations to hear from our speakers. It is critical that we stay united in our efforts to bring awareness to the genocide in Gaza and help those in need. We ask everyone to see the impact of these speakers using their voices and platforms to shed light on the situation in Gaza and across Palestine.


Palestinian Voices:

We have no intentions of taking away from any voices who have spoken out for Palestine, to the contrary we want these voices amplified. The thought that we are using this as an opportunity to profit from the terrible genocide we are witnessing in Gaza, is horrific and abhorrent.  We are merely doing what we can in our capacity and area of expertise to amplify our deep dismay with what is happening in Palestine and along with awareness to help raise funds to help those in need.

We do not for a single moment believe that our voice or the voice of our partners or speakers should supersede the voices of Palestinians in Palestine or the diaspora elsewhere – they are the primary victims of this genocide and we simply think that the more of us involved, in whichever capacity, the more we can highlight the horrible suffering of Palestinians and the more we can do to help.  We, of course, will use our resources including our social media platforms to highlight this plight and further the cause of Palestinians and help in whichever way we can.


Ticket Pricing and Donations:

The structure of our ticket prices are to ensure we have the resources to execute these events while providing inspiring and meaningful experiences to our attendees whilst ensuring we are driving as many funds as possible to provide for the Palestinians. For those who are unable to afford tickets, we are happy to help – please reach out and we will try to accommodate. We are working on creating a live streaming option which will hopefully make this event more accessible for all to experience. At some of our previous events, tickets were priced as low as $10 ensuring it is affordable and accessible. In terms of the different tiers and higher pricing, it is our effort to find opportunities to drive as much donations as possible. Outside of costs of the events, all proceeds are given to charity and distributed by our partners working inside of Gaza.

These events and our team’s efforts are solely focused on providing everything we can to support Gazans. When we move too fast, as these efforts are urgent and time sensitive, sometimes some details can be overlooked, and we want everyone to know that we appreciate the feedback and are actively working on improvements and hope that it is being reflected in our efforts and output.

We encourage everyone to continue to focus on our goal for helping those in Palestine, let’s work together as a collective community and movement to help those in need.

Despite issuing this statement, and answering many comments on social media, some will continue to have doubts – and that’s ok. When you are donating your money to a cause that is near and dear to your heart, you want to make sure it gets in the right hands.  We understand that this statement may not be enough for some, but you have our commitment that we will do our best to be more transparent and address any concerns raised.

For those who would like to speak to a member of the team, please email us on [email protected] and we will be happy to respond.  










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